We can't white wash what has happened, but we can change the meaning of what is left behind. It's an acknowledgement of our difficult history. But this isn't because this is a racist university. The University of Mississippi is called "Ole Miss," our football team is called the "Rebels," and we have confederate symbols on campus such as commemorative statues to the fallen soldiers of the Civil War. And the entire university is responding to the acts of a few to show the country, and the world, that this really isn't the reality of Ole Miss. There are 21,000 students here, and those who know right and wrong greatly outnumber the idiots. In my History class, we spent an entire session talking about it. I am in Graduate School and several of my classmates teach freshman classes who have taken time out of their class schedule to talk about this issue. There has always been a dialogue about race, but this has obviously increased since November 6. The University of Mississippi is a safe campus with forward thinking individuals who do not, in any way, support racism. all of us are ashamed of the few students who have negatively affected the reputations of each of us and of our university." Uncivil approach to expressing their views about the election. "we are very disappointed in those students who took a very immature and Dan Jones, the Chancellor for the University of Mississippi, made a statement the day after to this point: Everyone is disgusted with these few idiots. If you saw the "riot" reaction, I hope you also saw the response from the student body and faculty the day after. There were, unfortunately, racial slurs thrown about, which is so backward and wrong it made me angry. An Obama Biden sign being burned was the most that physically happened, and it hasn't been confirmed that it even happened on campus. The two arrests were due to public intoxication and not complying with police officers who tried to break up the crowd. In terms of what happened at the "gathering," nothing was broken, wrecked or destroyed. I don't forgive them for using it, this use of our symbol was entirely inappropriate. It should never have been used in the context of the "riot" - sorry, "gathering" - but these were uninformed, idiotic students who were almost certainly fueled by alcohol. If you're not familiar with it, this is the Ole Miss chant which we use during sporting events and social gatherings to rally students against an opposing team. The only part of that video that upsets me is when the students yell our Hotty Toddy chant. The video really only shows people walking around. Really, I'd label it a "gathering." In actual fact, at most 20 students were particularly rowdy and making and encouraging racial slurs. well, they're looking for the "riot." And it was kind of hard to find, as it was as un-riotesque as could possibly be. If you watch the video, you can see how about 400 students descended onto campus grounds. Yes, there was a reaction to the Presidential Election announcment, that much is clear. And I'm sure everyone has heard about the "riot" at the University of Mississippi when the election was called. There are students on campus who are talking about this, who are in support of secession, but they are pretty much the uninformed individual who thinks it's an easy funny option. sure, move to Australia with a tax-paid social welfare system, universal healthcare, a ban on guns, a Prime Minister who is an athiest single woman, and whose citizens support Obama nearly 20 to 1. And, if they don't secede, apparently they want to move to Australia. Who knows what kind of government they would come up with if they managed to secede. In fact there is a general feeling of discontent, to put it mildly, in many States in America and there is even talk of secession - really? Do you not recall the American Civil War in the 1860s? My stance on this, which is shared by most of my friends, is that the whole thing is ridiculous.

I knew Mississippi was going to be angry if Obama was elected, and wow was there a reaction.
#Pommie wash full#
Now that it's been a full week since the election, I feel it is an appropriate time where I can comment on the situation.

The majority of Americans made the right choice and are clearly sensible people. You were doing so well guys! Oh, I'm definitely glad Obama won.